19th Century Backpacker/ The Civil War Soldier

Intersection of Old National Road (Alt US 40) and Washington Monument Road, Bolivar, MD 21769

19th-Century Backpacker/The Civil War Soldier

History: An anonymous Frederick resident, upon seeing Confederate soldiers marching through town, described them as "filthy," "strong-smelling," and without uniforms, but "well armed and equipped" and so acclimated to the hardships of war "that they care but little for any of the comforts of civilization." Another observer likened the soldiers to "a lean and hungry set of wolves."
More to Explore: A historical marker dedicated to this topic is found in the parking lot of the Old South Mountain Inn, within walking distance of at least 10 other markers with relevance to the Battle of South Mountain and the 1862 Maryland Campaign. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail passes right by the marker.

Photo Credits:

  1. “Camp Punishment”
  2. “Scene in camp life” Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division