Middletown (Christ Reformed Church)

South Church Street (MD Rte 17) Middletown, MD 21769

Middletown (Christ Reformed Church)

History: Eight thousand Confederates under Gen. Lafayette McLaws marched by this church on September 10-11, 1862, heading south to Harpers Ferry. Unknown to him, however, Union Gen. George B. McClellan had obtained a copy of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Special Order 191 containing the Confederate plans; soon the rear of McLaws' column was in danger. The church steeple served as a Union observation post on September 14, 1862, during the Battle of South Mountain.

More to Explore: A Civil War encampment that is part of each autumn's Middletown Heritage Festival spreads out around the church property's green space. In the vicinity, the Central Maryland Heritage League is dedicated to preserving the 1881 Dahlgren Chapel and South Mountain Battlefield, and the Middleton Valley Historical Society museum occupies a 1800s home. Nearby is the city of Frederick and the scenic hiking trails of Gambrill State Park.

Photo Credits: “Night signalling”, “Signal station overlooking battle-field of Antietam” & “Middleton M.D. near South Mountain” Courtesy of: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division