Darnestown: Confederate Visit

Darnestown Road (MD Route 28), Germantown, MD 20874

Darnestown: Confederate Visit

History: On June 25-27, 1863, the Federal Army of the Potomac used two temporary pontoon bridges to cross the Potomac River from Virginia to reenter Maryland at Edwards Ferry. On June 27-28, Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart led his 5,000 cavalrymen into Maryland at Rowsers Ford. Stuart led two brigades south, while General Wade Hampton's brigade turned north up Seneca Road to Darnestown, the first Confederate force to enter the town. Hampton captured 25 teams of mules headed for Edwards Ferry to haul pontoons from the fallen bridges back to Washington.

More to Explore: Nearby is local Aberdeen Park, which provides plenty of space for children to play or for friends to play a quick game of basketball. Seneca Creek State Park extends along 14 scenic miles of Seneca Creek and makes its way into the Potomac River. Seneca Creek offers hiking trails, fishing, boating, playgrounds, and even a restored 19th century cabin on campus. Darnestown also has a local rope challenge course for adventure seekers.

Photo Credits:

  1. "Darnestown Looking West,"
  2. "Darnestown Looking East,"
  3. "Mrs. Richard Beall ('Bell's) House" Courtesy of Montgomery County Historical Society